>> the following installed and running well gmp-4.1.4.tar.gz
>Does that mean I can come out from under my rock now?
LOL...Dennis, let me apologize, I should have not hit the SEND key so
quickly here. Its just lately I see so much of the "can't/don't bother
me" type responses in so many of the lists that it makes me wonder why
people bother to post a reply if they're not helping.

We all have bad days and I'm the fiest to admit it wasn't a good one
here that day. I should have followed my own rule and let that message
sit over night.

Hope you are having a good day there.

===[George R. Kasica]===        +1 262 677 0766
President                       +1 206 374 6482 FAX 
Netwrx Consulting Inc.          Jackson, WI USA 
ICQ #12862186

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