----- Mark Hennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dec 29 12:56:58 host /usr/local/sbin/amavisd[89023]: (89023-01)
> (!)do_uncompress: Error running decompressor /usr/bin/gzip -d on p001,
> exit 1
> at (eval 68) line 562.
> Dec 29 12:57:14 host /usr/local/sbin/amavisd[89023]: (89023-01)
> (!)Decoding
> of p006 (ASCII text, with very long lines) failed, leaving it
> unpacked:
> do_ascii: timed out

  While there have been reports of long scanning times on big ZIP files 
containing text files, it seems that the above error is coming from Amavis, not 
ClamD.  It does not look like the message is hitting clamd at all.  I use 
Exiscan, not Amavis, but I know that some sites have to increase the Amavis 
timeout to 700 seconds, otherwise Amavis gives up too quickly.

  But since ClamD has a ZIP engine built-in, why do you want amavis to extra 
the files to temporary file, when clamd could scan the file in place?

  And what version of ClamAV are you running?  0.88.7 has improvements to the 
ZIP engine.  0.99.* is supposed to be much faster on ZIP files (but still too 
slow for some sites).

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