carren stuart wrote:
carren stuart wrote:
A while back, I wrote:

I'm running Clamav on DesktopBSD, with Klamav as the front end. Clamav
is working fine and has detected the eicar test files as expected but I
cannot get auto-scanning to work. Whenever I enable auto-scan I get the
following error:

"The auto-scan process died unexpectedly"

I have dazuko installed and loaded, and as far as I know it's working
OK. What causes this error and what should I do to fix it?

Then I wrote again:

But I haven't had any replies as yet. Can somebody please help me with
this as I really want to get auto scanning working.

Is there some reason why my posts aren't even being acknowledged? I
can't believe that nobody knows the answer to my question. This IS the
users list and I'm a user, so could somebody PLEASE help me with this.

ack. Would you rather someone reply and say "wow, that sucks, but i cant help you"?

How many people here are even using dazuko? or the KlamAV frontend for that matter. This is the ClamAV users list, if you have a problem running ClamAV, feel free to ASK your question here. Demanding help will get you nowhere.

You provided no useful information either.  Saying:

Whenever I enable auto-scan I get the following error:
"The auto-scan process died unexpectedly"

is not helpful at all. I would imagine any number of things could cause that message to be displayed. Asking what causes that error is like asking what causes my car not to start when i turn the key?

Also, you mention that "as far as you know" dazuko is working. You expect someone to take time to help you when you arent even sure if a base component in your setup is working properly? Why not actually verify that its working before even asking this question here?

With that said, I have never used on access scanning myself so I can not offer any help in that area.

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