Gary V wrote:
ERROR: Parse error at line 44: Option AllowSupplementaryGroups requires boolean argument.

Kind regards,


man clamd.conf
man freshclam.conf

Gary V

Hello Gary, Thank you. I managed to get it working *after* I realised there were two .conf files involved. I hang my head in shame:-)

I was making the changes to clamd.conf and getting back error messages relating to those changes that freshclam didn't like and *also* error messages relating to boolean being required. When I realised that there was a freshclam.conf file I made the change in it as well and lo and behold, it all worked.

When I installed the .rpm binary for 0.90 it didn't overwrite my old freshclam.conf but installed the new freshclam.conf file as freshclam.conf.rpmnew. It installed no new clamd.conf.

At least there is a side benefit to stupidity/ignorance, one gets to learn a lot one wouldn't normally do if all went without error. :-)

Thank you again for your help. Much appreciated.


Kind regards,

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