Rob Sterenborg wrote:
> Yes I'm aware of that. But.. clamdscan was as "slow" as clamscan as
> clamavmodule.
I would suggest that you either use clamdscan or clamavmodule. The time
required for clamscan to load virus signatures (100 thousand or so) is
enough (20-something seconds on my system) to justify the choice.

> Since I *had* to make this work again, I installed both clamav and
> spamassassin from source instead of using apt-get and this time it
> worked (using clamdscan).
Good to hear :)
> I don't understand why it wasn't working when I *completely* (personally
> checked) remove the package (using apt-get and dpkg) and reinstall it,
> but I'm not going to complain: this was my excuse to install the latest
> version from source.

It would probably be helpful if you also check which part of your system
is heavily-loaded at that time. e.g. Does clamd consume 100% CPU usage,
or disk I/O is very heavy, etc.


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