On Wednesday 19 September 2007 15:28, Roberto Ullfig wrote:
> Rob MacGregor wrote:
> > On 9/19/07, Roberto Ullfig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> We restart sendmail/clamd every morning. This morning this restart
> >> failed on several servers. The startup hung when clamd was trying to
> >> startup. I deleted everything in /var/lib/clamav (database files) and
> >> everything started up just fine.
> >
> > That's nice ;)
> >
> > Maybe you meant to include some actual technical details, like O/S,
> > version of clamav installed etc (and possibly why you restart sendmail
> > and clamd daily)?
> Redhat Linux
> clamav 0.91.2
> Actually, it doesn't seem related to the clamav restart since some
> servers experienced problems beforehand. We're using sanesecurity sigs
> as well. In several cases, I had to delete all sigs in order to get
> clamd to startup. I then ran freshclam and installed sanesecurity sigs -
> restarted clamd again and had no problem.

Sounds like some sort of file corruption, I run the sanesecurity sigs past 
clamscan (with -d) before making them available. I also download them once 
for all the servers I maintain and distribute them after they have been 
checked by clamscan. This helps reduce the load on sanesecurity whose sigs 
are stopping so much rubbish.

> Since we've never had any problems of this nature with clamav before I
> assumed that this was a signature related issue (especially since
> deleting the sigs allowed clamd to start) that everyone using clamav
> would be experiencing - that's why I didn't think it necessary to
> include OS and version in the original post.

Bob Hutchinson
Midwales dot com
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