> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Bas van Rooijen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  ClamAV is rejecting messages where the recipient address contains a | (pipe 
>> character)..
>>  Why is this? Is | a virus now?
>>  Can this behaviour be disabled?
>>  Are you planning on blocking other random characters from appearing in the 
>> recipient adres?

Thanks for the replies so far;

however please note I already know the problem is ClamAV (hence i'm writing to 
this list..)

Is there anyone who can answer my actual questions?


> Are you certain that clamav is behind this?  What other software are
> you using with your mailserver and exactly what is the error message?

> Please do show the logs.

> Yes it seems | and ; are blocked.


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