On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 14:35:07 -0400 (EDT)
Charles Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Pity you can't read what is written. I never suggested lowering
>standards, I actually suggested returning to a *higher* standard,
>where people don't just use bloated tools to write bloated code, but
>return to writing good, compact (and as a side benefit, usually less
>error-prone) code. Doing the same (or better) job, and using less
>resources all around. THAT would benefit "all", as opposed to sloppy,
>careless "standards" created by large corporations with only their own
>self-interest in mind.

Well, to write the smallest and most efficient code possible, the
developers would need to write in pure assembly language. I guess we
can all agree that, that is not about to happen anytime soon.

Personally, I think they do a good job. You cannot please everyone,
which is why I believe in the old saying: "If you cannot please
everyone, then you better please yourself." Besides, I would not go
around bad mouthing large corporations. You, exactly like them, have
your own self interest as a priority. The difference, is that they have
the clout to get what they want, and you don't. Therein lies the

As usual, just my 2¢.


No wonder Clairol makes so much money selling shampoo.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat is an infinite loop!

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