Hi there,

On Mon, 1 Sep 2008 Ken LEpee wrote:

> i'm Ken and i'm new to linux, also the free software world...

Welcome. :)

> I read once that many anti viruses which are meant for linux based
> os don't work in computers using dual processor

That is nonsense.  I have been using dual processor mailservers for
many years, with ClamAV running on them perfectly well.  It is true
that there may have been issues related to architecture early in the
development of many of the software packages which we all use, and
there continue to be issues such as migration from i386 to other
architectures, and from 32-bit to 64-bit systems.  In the Open Source
world the issues tend to be addressed more quickly than you can expect

> i searched for info on which version i should download

I find it's simplest to download the 'source tarball' for example from:


Create a directory in your home directory to build it in, and put the
tarball in there.  Go into that directory and extract the source files
from the tarball:

tar xzvf clamav-0.93.3.tar.gz

This will create a new directory.  Go into that directory and read the
instructions in the file INSTALL.  Note that you can build ('./configure'
and 'make') any package as an unprivileged user, but to do 'make install'
for almost any software package which you download you must be root.  So

tar xzvf...
cd clamav-0.93.3
su root
make install

Then you have to configure the package, read more of the documentation
and especially all the comments in the configuration file.

There are many 'rpm' packages for distributions like RedHat, SuSe,
Mandriva etc but I don't normally use them even on those systems.
Sometimes they make things easier, sometimes they don't.  ClamAV
is easy to build as packages go.

As you are new to open source I do not recommend that you try any of
the 'release candidate' versions (such as 0.94rc1), they may present
you with a few problems which you do not yet have the experience to
cope with.


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