Aecio F. Neto wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Bernd Petrovitsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> users could take the appropriate action ASAP instead of finding out or
>>>> having to check the logs on an hourly basis for problems.
>>> You're (by you I mean everyone agreeing here with how ClamAV fails)
>>> assuming users install packages. That's old fashioned.
>>> Most people distribute updates with Puppet and such tools
>>> automatically. With a largely complex system (which a good mail system
>> And it was *their* decision to do so.
>> And it was *their* decision to actually use the free as in beer ClamAV
>> in the first place. Perhaps these people should move to a commercial
>> virus-scanner where such problems probably do not happen.
> That's one kind of argument I cannot stand for.
> Because one decide to use a "free as in free beer" software one must suffer
> due this decision.

This seems a bit dramatic. Nobody is suffering. It takes but 10 minutes 
3 or 4 times each year to visit and modify the ClamAV config files, if 
at all. Somebody's inner drama queen is getting the best of them here.

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