> Hi,
> I'm setting up a file transfer server and as people send
> files to it I want to scan them and either move to a clean
> file directory or to an infected directory.  Looking at the
> various options available and need some advice on what
> course to take.  Also I don't understand what clamd does for
> you versus clamscan.  
> I was thinking I could create a cronjob that calls a script
> that runs clamscan and then when it's finished it copies the
> scanned files to a safe folder.  If any viruses found then
> clamscan moves the files to a quarantine directory. 
> Another option might be to somehow use clamd but not sure
> how that would work.
> The third option looks to incorporate dazuko and do real
> time scanning somehow.  Hope someone has already solved this
> and can shed some light on the various options and which
> works best.

Here's an example of how to do this using ProFTPd:

Clamd is a persistent process and does not need to load all the 
signatures each time it is called. You simply tell it where to find the 
file to scan and assuming it has permissions to do so, it scans the 
file(s). You connect to it via Unix or TCP sockets.

Clamscan has to load the signatures each time it is run so on a busy 
system this can be a burden. If you wish to do this in real time then 
the clamd method is faster and less load on your system.

I don't use Linux so don't know what the Dazuko issues or advantages are.

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