da...@davidwbrown.name wrote:
> Hello Dennis, in any case I have it backwards: the freshclam is running as a 
> daemon and the clamscan is running as a script (cron). Howto reverse this? 
> Thanks, David.

I checked the wiki and there's nothing there. I found this link on Google:


The options you have available to you depend on your cron tool. Some 
have a random feature built in. If that is the case then you can use it 
to directly launch freshclam. If that is not the case then a short bash 
script as suggested in the above link can be used.

I use Solaris which does not have the more versatile version of cron so 
I wrote this script and call it from cron. There's many ways to do it, 


if /usr/bin/pgrep -x freshclam >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   echo 'Killing an instance of freshclam that is already running!' |\
     /usr/bin/mailx -s '[example.com] freshclam error' myn...@example.com
   pkill freshclam

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
   sleep $[ RANDOM % 900 ]

/usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet \
   --daemon-notify=/usr/local/etc/clamd.conf # >/dev/null 2>&1
#echo "Return code: " $?


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