This is just a suggestion. I believe it is practical; although I have
been known to be wrong.

There has been an on going discussion regarding the crashing of clamd
when used with unofficial Clamav definition files. Personally, I am of
the opinion that a probable cause could be the collision of a secondary
script with the 'freshclam' daemon.

Using FreeBSD, I prefer to run 'freshclam' as a daemon, started via
a script in  "/usr/local/etc/rc.d". Unfortunately, at least as far as I
can tell, there is no way to tell freshclam when to run once started.
It simply runs every 'X' hours as set by the "Checks" variable in the
freshclam.conf file.


Having another setting that would allow specifying how many minutes
past the hour freshclam should run would prove to be a useful addition.
The say "HR_DELAY" would be off by default, thereby using the same
protocol as is presently in force. Setting the variable would allow
forcing the daemon to run at a specific time in relation to the "Check"
variable. This would then allow users to stagger the running time of
this daemon and any secondary script that is being used to supplement
the Clamav database.


Using another variable to indicate whether freshclam should run on odd
or even hours only. Unfortunately, this would not work for those who
have 'Check' set to '24'. Actually, I believe that is excessive anyway;
however, it is not my call.


You can get *anywhere* in ten minutes if you drive fast enough.

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