On 12/03/09 09:58, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>> On 11/03/09 16:26, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>>> How do you think will those virii get to your computer? Although it was
>>> reported, I have never seen virus under linux system. If you are afraid of
>>> linux viruses, I think you (the user) are much more dangerous to your 
>>> system.
> On 11.03.09 23:18, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
>> I have my reasons.
> Any other than those you mentioned in reply to Lyle Giese's mail? If you are
> ready to accept suspiciout mail with unknown attachment and forward it to
> your friends, then viruses are still not the main problem.
Yes, I have other problems but right now I am dealing with vira.

Erik P. Olsen, M.Sc. EE.
Solsortvej 30, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: +45 32106480, Mobil: +45 40765300
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