Steve Basford wrote:
> LibClamAV Error: mpool_malloc(): Attempt to allocate 2097152 bytes.
> Please report to
> LibClamAV Error: cli_ac_addpatt: Can't realloc ac_pattable
> LibClamAV Error: cli_parse_add():
> Thanks to the ClamAV team, the bug was fixed in the clamav-devel version:
> clamav-devel:
> +Sat Oct 24 15:06:50 CEST 2009 (acab)
> + * libclamav/mpool.c: increase max pool to 8M to allow loading huge
> custom dbs

Hi Steve,

The (now) increased pool size is around 16 times bigger than the largest
pool used by the offical db, so it'll probably be ok for a while.

That said, we should still figure out a way to avoid this kind of
troubles in the future (same goes for the infamous "clamd crashes while
loading 3rd party db's" bug which plagued the early 0.95's).

On our side we do a lot of QA over our own signatures to make sure
things like that won't happen, but of course we can't guarantee the same
for 3rd party databases.
At the end of the day, any service disruption, even if caused by the use
custom databases, is problematic and affects the entire ClamAV user

I'm wondering if it would make sense for us to open up the QA side of
our infrastructure to you guys, in order to minimize this kind of

I really believe something needs to happen here so that these type of
bugs can be caught quickly before they affect a number of users.



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