
> Attached document? I did not see an attachment. Can you send a link?

Is this the TargetType you are after...

2.3.4 Extended signature format

The extended signature format allows for specification of additional
information such as a target file type, virus offset or engine version,
making the detection more reliable. The format is:


where TargetType is one of the following numbers specifying the type of the
target file:

0 = any file
1 = Portable Executable
2 = OLE2 component (e.g. a VBA script)
3 = HTML (normalised)
4 = Mail file
5 = Graphics
6 = ELF
7 = ASCII text file (normalised)

And Offset is an asterisk or a decimal number n possibly combined with a
special modifier:

Source: http://www.clamav.com/doc/latest/signatures.pdf



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