>> Hi,
>> I wanted to setup ClamAV with my Citadel server, but for some reason
>> it does not appear to start as far as netstat -anp says.
>> I reconfigured using: dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base, so that TCP is
>> used. The process is started, but nothing is listening on port 3100.
>> I'm using a Debian Etch distro. Any known issues?
>> Regards,
> If you are using 0.90.1 (run 'apt-cache policy clamav' to verify version), 
> it's a known issue that 0.90.1 can take several minutes (I have heard of up 
> to 15) to create a clamd socket. The CPU may peg at 100% during this time 
> also. If I recall, it was due to an incompatibility with newer pattern files. 
> The fix is to upgrade. The easy way to do it is to install from etch volatile.
> I suggest adding the etch volatile source to /etc/apt/sources.list:
> deb http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile etch/volatile main
> Then:
> gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key BBE55AB3
> gpg --armor --export BBE55AB3 | apt-key add -
> apt-get update
> apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam
> (and any other modules you may need).
> At least, this is how I would do it. YMMV.
> If you are already using latest version from volatile, then I dunno.
> See this also:
> http://www.clamav.net/2009/10/05/eol-clamav-094/
> Gary V
BTW, there were a LOT of changes to clamd.conf between 0.90.1 and 0.95.3 so 
it's my suggestion to make a backup copy of /etc/clamav/clamd.conf (if you 
like), replace clamd.conf during installation and then change the new copy as 
needed (either manually, or with dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base).                 
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