On our test machine, in US Pacific Daylight time (-0700).

Tue May 11 05:17:32 2010 -> bytecode.cld is up to date (version: 15, sigs:
2, f-level: 51, builder: nervous)
Tue May 11 06:17:53 2010 -> WARNING: getfile: Error while reading database
from db.us.clamav.net (IP: Operation now
in progress
Tue May 11 06:18:49 2010 -> Trying host db.us.clamav.net (
Tue May 11 06:18:49 2010 -> Downloading bytecode-16.cdiff [100%]
Tue May 11 06:18:49 2010 -> Downloading bytecode-17.cdiff [100%]
Tue May 11 06:18:49 2010 -> bytecode.cld updated (version: 17, sigs: 3,
f-level: 51, builder: nervous)
Tue May 11 06:18:49 2010 -> Database updated (768423 signatures) from
db.us.clamav.net (IP:
Tue May 11 06:18:50 2010 -> Clamd successfully notified about the update.

It appears that our timing was good. Given this thread, it's no wonder the
"builder" is named "nervous". ;-)

Note: our infrastructure needs reworking for ClamAV 0.96, and I ran out of
time. So the production machines are still on older version, with Freshclam
disabled since 2010-04-13. About to migrate the new stuff from test machine
to the first of the production machines.  After the update, we'll gain many
CPU cycles.



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