As I understand things, .cld files start out as a .cvd file which has been 
updated by one or more .cdiff files.  Normally, the original .cvd file is 
deleted upon completion of the update.  If a .cdiff update fails, then normally 
a complete .cvd file is downloaded and the .cld file should be deleted.  It 
sounds like something interrupted an update and it failed to remove the older 

You should be able to delete the oldest file.  If that turns out to be the 
wrong choice, the next update should correct things.  If you delete both the 
next update will download the latest .cvd.  Bottom line is that I don't think 
you can go wrong deleting any or both.

Sent from my iPad

Al Varnell

On Oct 7, 2010, at 1:03 PM, Carlos Mennens <> wrote:

> Everytime I run 'Clamscan', I get the following 'warning' notification:
> LibClamAV Warning: Detected duplicate databases /var/clamav/main.cvd
> and /var/clamav/main.cld, please manually remove one of them.
> My question is which do I delete and or do I remove them both and then
> refresh the database?
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