> Seriously! Why not have the user shut down his mail system entirely.
> That would pretty much ensure that no Virus or Malware is delivered via
> Your suggest is only feasible if the user never wants to receive any
> executable or archived file formats. Assuming that they do, a better
> solution has to be implemented.

btw, I'm assuming not any archived file format, just those containing 

For many years now, my (Computer Science) department has not allowed certain 
(MIME types application/x-msdownload and application/x-msdos-program mainly) 
through our
mail system, and have had few problems/complaints with it. Most people seem to 
easily find
other methods (IM transfers, direct connections, posting to a web page) to 
transfer the
few legitimate programs they may need to send.

Not to say that it is appropriate everywhere, just that, FWIW, it can be done 
without too much trouble

Bryan Burke
IT Administrator
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
(865) 974-4694
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