On 2011-06-29 22:12, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> On 6/29/11 2:33 PM, Mark Martinec wrote:
>> It may be possible to have two instances of clamd running on
>> separate sockets, and when one fails switch over and restart
>> amavisd on the other, while leaving the first for experimentation.
> I have this.. sorta.
> all of my amavisd.conf (2.6.4) have a backup scanner which is a tcp socket 
> 'in the cloud' on our network.
> one machine did fail over, and began to use the remote backup scanner.
> I did a gdb (connect), then told gdb to core dump.
> I am waiting for someone at clamav/SF to ask me for the 300MB+ coredump.

I'll send a link to upload it privately, meanwhile can you do these:

Run this on the coredump:
$ gdb -c /path/to/core /usr/sbin/clamd

Then at the (gdb) prompt type these:
(gdb) info thread
(gdb) thread apply all bt
(gdb) backtrace full

And send the output.

> clamdscan -V failed (would not connect) amavisd (not debug) gets me:
> Jun 29 00:00:02 spammertrap amavis[93245]: (93245-20) (!)ClamAV-clamd 
> av-scanner FAILED: run_av error: Too many retries to talk to 
> /var/run/clamav/clamd (Can't connect to UNIX socket
> /var/run/clamav/clamd: Connection refused) at (eval 105) line 373.\n
> nothing in syslog, nothing in /var/log/clamav/*.logs
> i replaced it with that patched 0.97.1_1 (without the 'fix' for multiple 
> wdt's on bytecode tests)
> but, 0.97.1 (best I can do today):
> top:
> 20021 clamav     13  44    0   341M     0K umtxn   0   0:00  0.00% <clamd>
> note, a running one gest me this:
> 30351 clamav      3  44    0   181M   159M ucond   1   0:00  0.00% clamd
> (yes, <clamd> brackets must be something freebsd does every now and than)
> its the RES of 0K and umtxn when hung, and 159M when NOT hung that is 
> intertesting.
> where did the ram go?
> and, no, I didn't run out of swap.

Interesting. That appears to be some kernel lock.
Can you run:
procstat -k 20021

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