
Since upgrading from 0.97 to 0.97.3 it's been less then satisfying on a
fedora c3 server, I have a 7.3 server without issues

Every time (it seems) i run freshclam on the FC3 machine it wants to
redownload the main.cvd database over and over, not sure why as that
database doesn't appear to change, but it keeps giving me messages such as
Malformed database and Can't verify database integrity. Happens after it
was successful once before.

Note: this sporadically happens with daily.cvd and occasionally bytecode.cvd

Every once in a while the download works as expected, but then it starts
over again with the same issues.

I've had to turn off freshclam and just wget databases to get clamd to
function at all without barking. This is also not 100%

After freshclam update
clamd log:
2012-01-23 11:45:05.642977500 LibClamAV Error: cli_tgzload: Invalid
checksum for file main.mdb
2012-01-23 11:45:05.643019500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:05.643089500 ERROR: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:05.643131500 Closing the main socket.
2012-01-23 11:45:06.256845500 LibClamAV Error: cli_tgzload: Invalid
checksum for file daily.mdb
2012-01-23 11:45:06.256924500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/daily.cvd: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:06.257038500 ERROR: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:06.257105500 Closing the main socket.
2012-01-23 11:45:07.763592500 LibClamAV Error: cli_tgzload: Invalid
checksum for file daily.mdb
2012-01-23 11:45:07.763664500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/daily.cvd: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:07.763800500 ERROR: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:07.763864500 Closing the main socket.
2012-01-23 11:45:07.806658500 LibClamAV Error: cli_tgzload: Invalid
checksum for file 0000850930.cbc
2012-01-23 11:45:07.806729500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/bytecode.cvd: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:07.806838500 ERROR: Malformed database
2012-01-23 11:45:07.806902500 Closing the main socket.

After wget (wget http://db.us.clamav.net/main.cvd)
clamd log:
2012-01-23 12:17:40.927911500 Reading databases from /usr/local/share/clamav
2012-01-23 12:17:47.314079500 LibClamAV Error: cli_tgzload: Invalid
checksum for file main.mdb
2012-01-23 12:17:47.314162500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd: Malformed database
2012-01-23 12:17:47.314275500 ERROR: reload db failed: Malformed database
2012-01-23 12:17:47.524431500 Terminating because of a fatal error.
2012-01-23 12:17:48.150505500 LibClamAV Error: cli_tgzload: Invalid
checksum for file daily.mdb
2012-01-23 12:17:48.150583500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/daily.cvd: Malformed database
2012-01-23 12:17:48.150711500 ERROR: Malformed database
2012-01-23 12:17:48.150776500 Closing the main socket.
2012-01-23 12:17:49.193302500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd: Can't verify database integrity
2012-01-23 12:17:49.193458500 ERROR: Can't verify database integrity
2012-01-23 12:17:49.193524500 Closing the main socket.
2012-01-23 12:17:50.996123500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd: Can't verify database integrity
2012-01-23 12:17:50.996278500 ERROR: Can't verify database integrity
2012-01-23 12:17:50.996349500 Closing the main socket.
2012-01-23 12:17:52.557196500 LibClamAV Error: cli_tgzload: Invalid
checksum for file main.db
2012-01-23 12:17:52.582467500 LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd: Malformed database
2012-01-23 12:17:52.582473500 ERROR: Malformed database
2012-01-23 12:17:52.582479500 Closing the main socket.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584094500 Limits: Global size limit set to 104857600
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584126500 Limits: File size limit set to 26214400 bytes.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584156500 Limits: Recursion level limit set to 16.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584187500 Limits: Files limit set to 10000.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584216500 Limits: Core-dump limit is 0.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584246500 Archive support enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584277500 Algorithmic detection enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584306500 Portable Executable support enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584335500 ELF support enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584372500 Mail files support enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584402500 OLE2 support enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584432500 PDF support enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584461500 HTML support enabled.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584497500 Self checking every 600 seconds.
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584529500 Listening daemon: PID: 25777
2012-01-23 12:17:59.584568500 MaxQueue set to: 100

clamscan --detect-broken
LibClamAV Error: Can't load /usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd: Can't verify
database integrity
ERROR: Can't verify database integrity

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 74989
Engine version: 0.97.3
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 0
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.00 MB
Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
Time: 0.549 sec (0 m 0 s)

configure command option --disable-zlib-vcheck the actual version is 1.2.1

bzip2 on problem and working machine is at 1.0.2, not sure this is an
issue as one works the other doesn't (also this didn't seem to be a
problem until the upgrade to 97.3)

Any Ideas?

Best Regards

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