On Thu, 26 Apr 2012 21:18:41 +0300
Török Edwin articulated:


>Its a bit more complicated than that. To ensure fast pattern-matching
>the signatures are loaded into an Aho-Corasick trie for example. It
>would be possible to add to the trie (thats what happens when loading
>signatures), but removing is more tricky. And to determine what to
>remove you need to go through all the signatures in the database
>anyway. Also updating the loaded signature database would require the
>scanning threads to take read locks, which would slow things down and
>make updating it harder (right now the loaded signature database is
>never modified, hence no locks are needed).
>It would be easier to just move reload_db to a different thread and
>allow scanning with the old database during the DB reload. Then when
>the DB reload is finished atomically replace the engine pointer and
>free the old engine. Downside would be that you get twice the memory
>usage during reload, but you don't have downtime, so this should
>probably be controlled by a flag in clamd.conf.

Well, with the exception of systems starved for memory to begin with, I
think that would be a perfectly acceptable solution. Adding a flag in
clamd.conf to disable this and use the present method would seem like a
good compromise.

Jerry ♔

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