On 08/23/2012 02:17 PM, infelectromed....@infomed.sld.cu wrote:
LibClamAV Warning: ***  This version of the ClamAV engine is
outdated.     ***
Wed Aug 22 13:53:59 2012 -> +++ Started at Wed Aug 22 13:53:59 2012
Wed Aug 22 13:53:59 2012 -> clamd daemon 0.96.5 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH:
> [...]
What I need to do to update manually the antivirus data base?? Any
idea?? Thanks...

The problem is not the database but the Version of clamav you are using.

Latest ClamAV stable release is: 0.97.5

Your version is about 2 years old. I bet the databases you downloaded arent even compatible with this old version.

So don't update the database, update to the newest version of clamav.

Best regards
Matthias Egger
ETH Zurich
Department of Information Technology          maeg...@ee.ethz.ch
and Electrical Engineering
IT Support Group (ISG.EE), ETL/F/24.1         Phone +41 (0)44 632 03 90
Physikstrasse 3, CH-8092 Zurich               Fax   +41 (0)44 632 11 95
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