On Thu, 2014-02-27 at 18:43 -0500, Paul Kosinski wrote:
> The blog post concerning OpenSSL being required for ClamAV only has
> one reason as to why it might *benefit* ClamAV, the other reasons are
> why OpenSSL *itself* in good.
> That single reason is:
>   "We will be able to provide a better freshclam experience in a
>   future release."
> What exactly does this mean? (The phrase "freshclam experience" is
> marketing speak, not a technical explanation.)
> Since adding complexity to a system tends to increase bugs and
> decrease security, I am leery of seeing ClamAV become even more
> complicated than it already has become.

Show me *ANY* Anti-Virus package that is simple any more. None are. Not
that it is an excuse.

But seriously, if your mail server isn't using TLS on its mail ports...
something is seriously wrong with your setup. It is already there if you
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    -- Euripides

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