James Lee wrote:
On 10/05/2014 17:34, Shawn Webb wrote:

The attached two patches will make building (with gcc)
I'm not but..
  and running on Solaris work.

when using gcc configure sets HAVE_ATTRIB_PACKED=1 and the problem doesn't
exist, ie, no patch is needed for gcc.

In fact no patches need for cc if the value of HAVE_ATTRIB_PACKED is forced post
configure. Any patch/fix should be for configure.

Thats interesting. Without Shawns patches, but with HAVE_ATTRIB_PACKED
and using Sun-CC it works (freshclam & clamscan tested so far).

But including the posted patches, the errors are back again.

So it looks like a problem with the build system and the patch
is (at least partly) compiler specific.


Martin Preen, Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik
Georges-Koehler-Allee 52, Raum EG-006, 79110 Freiburg, Germany

phone: ++49 761 203-8250    pr...@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
fax: ++49 761 203-8242      swt.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/preen

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