> On Jun 25, 2014, at 0:17, "Al Varnell" <alvarn...@mac.com> wrote:
> The signature team has always been overwhelmed by the number of new samples 
> it receives every day and even though the team is bigger today, so is the 
> input.

Right.  We have several people working on malware full time. But we receive 
well over 650,000 samples a day. We build and ship all this stuff for free.  We 
love it when the community contributes.  It's for the benefit of all. 

> They established a third party signature contribution system a few months ago 
> and I’m sure part of the reason is to try to reduce what is apparently a 
> growing backlog of samples which require manual signature writing.  If those 
> with the ability to write quality signatures and contribute them to this 
> project can do so, we will all benefit from this.  I don’t blame the team for 
> trying to promote this new means of community contributions.

Thank you Al.  Building a community to solve a problem is important.  That's 
what this whole "open source" thing is supposed to be about. It's not just that 
the software is free, it's so that everyone can participate. 

> It would appear that Steve is in a unique position here, in that he has his 
> own UNOFFICIAL signature databases to contribute as well as the apparent 
> skills to write them on his own.  Obviously there is a much larger user base 
> for official set so contributions there would be of broader benefit, yet he 
> runs his own services to the community.  Something he’ll need to consider and 
> decide on his own.

We'd love it if Steve wanted to do it.  I've never reached out to him 
individually, but is be glad to have the conversation!

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