Daniel Spies skrev den 2015-02-22 03:19:

Yes, but I have (still) enabled sending e-mail to port 25. This would
only work for submission (see my other e-mail).

yes i remember that problem here aswell, so far i think postfix does not honner it to disable smtp auth on port 25 while have it enabled on other ports :(

atleast i see AUTH discarded in skip ehlo

prefer to keep STARTTLS on :=)

but postfix keep AUTH, dont flame me, but test it, if 3 or more can confirm it then we can possible report this problem on postfix maillist

note check man resolv.conf for inet6, and or /etc/gai.conf
eg make sure ipv4 first for non routeble ips
Do you mean I should add IPv4 addresses first to the LocalNet option?

if its more simple to make all ipv6 addresses resolve with local TLD no problem :=)
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