You've redefined the real problem multiple times. Pick one and stay with it.

To properly diagnose *your* system it would be very helpful to see a SAR report for CPU/Swap/Paging/Cache/Memory activity/IOWait before, during, and after a signature refresh.

Running sar -A will provide coarse information to the resolution of your sar crontab entries, but you can run it manually to capture an event of interest.

Also helpful would be a clamconf report, and the ls -l output for your signatures directory. Also helpful is the output of lsof, ps -elLf, and vmstat while a signature refresh is active.

That is a lot of data to post to a list, so better is to park it on a web page or dropbox. Take care not to expose passwords.

My mailers are instructed to tempfail if ClamD is unresponsive which causes most sending systems to retry on alternate server. The entire messaging world expects you will have one, too, else you will be seen as a burden.


On 7/8/15 9:09 AM, Jingo Administrator wrote:
Well, I agree my hardware isn't rather stunning and doesn't help to
(dramatically) reduce the time it takes for clamav to reload the
database. I will draw my conclusion and start to drop the 3rd party
sigs. But no matter how much I can narrow down the problem of the reload
time, and now I come back to my original point, on every system there
will be a (short) period of time that clamav isn't responsive and
therefor causes problems to other services making use of the clamav
service. Imho that's the real problem.

On 07/08/2015 05:54 PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
On 7/8/15 8:11 AM, Jingo Administrator wrote:
Scanning is not the bottleneck, reloading
the database is.
Because you're wrong about this you cannot correct the real problem.
The bottleneck is the platform. Nothing else.

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