I know there are often issues when trying to scan a Windows partition from OS 
X, so that my be part of your problem.

I always recommend my OS X users who run a Windows partition to scan it with 
ClamWIN which is a Windows GUI application for ClamAV.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:15 AM, JD Ackle wrote:
> On Wed, 7/22/15, G.W. Haywood <cla...@jubileegroup.co.uk> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [clamav-users] How to clean infection by 
> Docx.Exploit.CVE_2015_1770
> To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net
> Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 5:45 PM
> Hi there,
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2015, JD Ackle wrote:
>> I would like to know how can I remove
> Docx.Exploit.CVE_2015_1770
>> from Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE
> As others have said, you might have found a false
> positive.  You need to
> find out if that is the case or not before you do anything
> else.
> If it is not a false positive but a real infection, then the
> ClamAV
> users' mailing list cannot really help you with your
> question.
> ClamAV tells you if it thinks that it has found
> something.  It is up to
> you to decide what to do about it.  You *can* choose to
> delete files if
> they are flagged by ClamAV, but in general that is not
> recommended; and
> as /Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE is one of Windows'
> registry files,
> it will certainly damage your Windows installation if you
> delete it.
> There are many Internet help sites and similar which can
> help you with
> your question.
> Reading the rest of your message tells me that you need
> something. :)
> For self-help I personally recommend MalwareBytes
> Anti-Malware (MBAM).
> If you download it, be careful where you get it from. 
> Some Websites
> have been seen to include malicious software with the
> download.
> Thank you for your advice, GW.
> I tried MBAM and it reported NO infections. However, the first run did crash 
> the program, so I then used another tool provided by MBAM that stated that 
> sometimes the main program may be prevented from running by viruses and 
> that's what the other tool was meant to solve - it did run alright and 
> reported no threats but...
> I then had Norton doing a scan and it found some tracking cookies in Firefox 
> which is a tad odd on two accounts: 1) Norton had never complained about 
> these before (but it might just be a new setting included with later 
> updates...?) and 2) I have Firefox configured to "Keep cookies until I close 
> Firefox" (which doesn't necessantly mean they are removed from the hard disk, 
> maybe they'll just no longer be used again by Firefox after the program 
> quits...?).
> Finally, I thought I might as well install the latest security update from 
> Microsoft (which I was postponing for a couple days to have it installed on a 
> clean(er) system).
> And then... the latest results from ClamAV run from Linux:
> - "/Windows/System32/config/" (where the previouly infected "SOFTWARE" file's 
> located) is now CLEAN!
> - "/pagefile.sys" however is now clean of "Docx.Exploit.CVE_2015_1770" but is 
> reportedly infected by "Exploit.Countdown" on every 
> Remove-said-file-from-within-Linux->Reboot_to_Windows->Reboot-to-Linux-and-run-ClamAV-again.
>  I had actually forgotten about this report when I told the "full story" 
> earlier. This positive was detected at the time I had the Tenga virus and it 
> was after removing the Tenga virus that the Docx.Exploit.CVE_2015_1770 
> started being detected.
> I am currently doing a new full ClamAV scan of my Windows partition to try 
> and check if something new comes up. Thus far only pagefile.sys was reported 
> with said "Exploit.Countdown" and ... a few warning messages that don't 
> reference any particular file have come up as well:
> "LibClamAV Warning: cli_scanicon: found 1 invalid icon entries of 1 total" 
> (eight times thus far on the current scan, all of them before the 
> pagefile.sys detection)
> I have no idea what that means but I've noticed it happens every time I run a 
> scan on a Windows folder (i.e. on more than one file at a time) and never 
> when scanning a Linux folder.
> Just telling all this on this list because I'm not that sure these are false 
> positives at the moment - hence no point in submiting anything to that list...
> I will look for help elsewhere, probably will start off at Microsoft Answers. 
> If something comes up which I think might be relevant to ClamAV, I'll reply 
> back on this thread.
> Thanks to all that replied.
> J.D. Ackle
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