On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 6:56 PM, Joel Esler (jesler) <jes...@cisco.com> wrote:
> There are a number of package maintainers for ClamAV on Solaris. The 
> installation method differs for each.
> I tried to figure out what this was saying a couple of times.
> I've decided that it's trying to say that there are a couple of
> competing packagings of ClamAV for Solaris. (Initially I thought it
> was trying to say that there are multiple package management systems
> for Solaris.)
> Assuming I'm right, it would be better to say "Multiple groups have
> packaged ClamAV for Solaris."
> OTOH, if it's trying to talk about competing package management
> systems, then, something like "There are a number of package
> management systems for Solaris, and thus packages of ClamAV."
> Would you like to download the latest virus pattern definitions during 
> installation ? (This requires that you have a direct connection to the 
> Internet. If you are behind a proxy server then skip this step.)
> It feels like this is missing a section heading. (perhaps it should be
> inside the block below?)
> There's also something odd with the *space* before the `?`
> The block itself /feels/ like output from one of the package
> management systems, if so, it probably should identify which one...

I think that the long (Solaris) install output is from Andy's packages
he produced for Citrus IT. I'm not sure they are available any more,
the output shows ClamAV 0.92 and I can't find anything about it on
Citrus IT's web site. If this section can't be verified I think it's
better to remove it since it doesn't help Solaris users, there's not
even a link there.

The section about OpenCSW is current though (I'm the maintainer).
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