Am 21.12.2016 um 14:38 schrieb Selcuk Yazar:
Dear Arnaud

in redhat El 6 version thereis no clamdscan command

this is simply not true - clamav is from the EPEL repo and here you go

the package "clamd" contains /usr/bin/clamdscan und /usr/sbin/clamd which is used by clamdscan

when a new mail
arrived at postfix server, it calls amavisd and spamassasin then clamscan
running for emails.

that is a really crazy and horrible setup because it means you fire for each new message a full clamscan process with all it's init and memory overhead - the never can scale - OK that it should not take some minutes is a different story but virtually nobody has a mailserver not using clamd be it with clamdscan or a milter connecting to clamd

 can it (slow scan) be depend to internet connection ??


normally we are managing 60K users with clam with no problem but this
morning we have. i think it causes database files

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 4:28 PM, Arnaud Jacques / <> wrote:

Hello Selçuk,

when i try to run clamscan for single file on tmp folder it takes 12
minutes !!!

Please use clamdscan.
How many time it takes to scan the same file ?

Best regards,

Arnaud Jacques
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