The ClamAV product is designed to be used for real time detection with mail transport agents and to respond on detection. These mail transport agents are capable of delivering malware that will run on any architecture. In a perfect world everyone that runs an MTA would test outbound mail for malware and block before sending. But that doesn't happen and so we use ClamAV for inbound mail for self-protection. Since email service providers cannot predict what architecture their users are using they use tools that try to protect every architecture and the signatures provide that support.


On 4/12/17 9:13 AM, crazy thinker wrote:
Hi ClamAV  Developer, users

I have below Questions on ClamAV Virus Database

1.what information bytecode.cvd contatins?  and how it is useful in malware

2.Why not ClamAV release virus databse in terms of platform specific like
Windows,Linux,Mac OS X,Androind,BSD etc? is there any logic behind this?

  3.How to  separate malware  signatures  based on target operating system
to optimize database size?

Could Anyone of you please help me in this.....
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