Ok, enabled debug.

Find attached the output of

service clamav-daemon start > /tmp/clamd_start.log 2>&1

at the end it says:

LibClamAV debug: main.msb loaded
LibClamAV debug: Ignoring signature Win.Trojan.AT-8
LibClamAV debug: Ignoring signature Win.Trojan.Agent-653
LibClamAV debug: Ignoring signature Email.Phishing.DblDom-53
LibClamAV debug: Ignoring signature Email.Phishing.DblDom-60
LibClamAV debug: Ignoring signature Win.Trojan.Qhost-106

To check where "Killed" is coming from I directly started clamd:


and it prints "Killed" at the end. I think the "   ...fail!" is from "service".

So I googled again with this hint (never saw this before) and found this:


which brought me to the idea to monitor resource usage:
Connecting with two shells and running a "top" before starting clamd I see that

 1. ~480 MBs RAM is free before starting clamd (server has a total of 1 GB RAM)
 2. Starting clamd consumes all the free memory and stops with "Killed"

Seems as if the free RAM is no more enough for clamd, but I am wondering why it 
consumes so much memory? Is this normal?
Is there a chance to fix that by change of configuration?

I googled but have not found a good answer yet. Only "remove clamav" which is 
not what I want to do.


Am 19.04.2017 um 12:43 schrieb Steve Basford:
On Wed, April 19, 2017 10:13 am, Torge Riedel wrote:
Well, was not enabled. After setting

LogSyslog true
Might be worth turning on debug temporarily... clamd.conf and freshclam.conf

# Enable debug messages in libclamav.
# Default: no

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