Have never observed that. 

From what you have posted it sounds more like there is insufficient RAM to load 
the resulting ClamAV database, not simply running freshclam.

Can you share your freshclam or other log entries that indicate the reason for 
failure is lack of RAM and at what point the error occurs?


On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 08:48 PM, Chris Coleman wrote:
> Hello ClamAV mailing list,
> On Debian Jessie 8, 32 bit, 256MB ram, 14MB in use.
> Why is |freshclam| so memory hungry that it bombs out with |Failed to load 
> new database|, when there's 242 MB of free RAM available?
> What can be done to improve the code so the definition updates don't burn 
> through so much RAM just for a download?
> Thanks.

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