Am 01.06.2017 um 20:34 schrieb G.W. Haywood:
Hello again,

On May 19, 2017 Anne-Sophie Marsh wrote:

Call it "reject", "bounce" or "delivery error" - the bottom line is
that legitimate mail from our client (including financial
communications from account holders) is not being delivered ...

No, the bottom line is that you need to get a grip of your subject.

For example you have changed the subject of this thread from

Mail from Paypal wrongly identified as phishing by ClamAv


Re: clamav-users Digest, Vol 150, Issue 18


Re: clamav-users Digest, Vol 150, Issue 19

so we don't know what we're supposed to be reading in what order
it's much easier to say - anbody who is using no subject or something like "clamav-users Digest, Vol XXX" is a fool especially when he/she ignores the clear hints in that digest messages which are for lurkers only
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