Am 28.11.2017 um 01:24 schrieb Curtis Vaughan:
Using clamav on an Ubuntu Server postfix system. We have an issue where so far just Excel (xlxs) files are getting false flagged as having the following virus:

  250 2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=14037-01 - INFECTED: Emf.Exploit.CVE_2017_16395-6376329-0

Virus scanner output:
  p003: Emf.Exploit.CVE_2017_16395-6376329-0 FOUND
  p005: Emf.Exploit.CVE_2017_16395-6376329-0 FOUND

Having searched up information I found it's probably easiest just to whitelist this signature. However, whatever I do doesn't seem to work.
I have added CVE_2017_16395-6376329-0
to a file at /var/lib/clamav/whitelist.ign2 as well as to whitelist-signatures.ign2 since there are references out on the internet to name the file one way or the other. Since it wasn't working, I changed user and group to clamav on these files. I also reloaded clamav-daemon. But still the files are quarantined as infected.
Any other clues?
CVE_2017_16395-6376329-0 != Emf.Exploit.CVE_2017_16395-6376329-0

it don't matter how the ign2 file is named because that way you can have distributed ones like from sancesecurity and your owns as you have the same way different sigfiles from different sources with the same extension
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