Am 28.11.2017 um 20:18 schrieb richard parker:
I am sure this is something obvious to the experienced but not to a bit of
a newbie such as myself. I am struggling with installation with the
following being reported....

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'
to correct the problem.
richard@richard-ThinkPad-T400:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ...
ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of clamav:
  clamav depends on clamav-freshclam (>= 0.99.2+dfsg) | clamav-data; however:
   Package clamav-freshclam is not installed.
   Package clamav-data is not installed.
   Package clamav-freshclam which provides clamav-data is not installed

pretty sure your distribution is the better contact since other distributions have no problems: clamav-0.99.2-12.fc26.x86_64 (Fedora)

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