On 11/30/2017 06:31 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
On Thursday, November 30, 2017 05:02:11 PM Jonathan Sélea wrote:
On 11/30/2017 01:41 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 29.11.17 17:31, Jonathan Sélea wrote:
Is there any alternative to the package "libclamunrar6"? For example a
package that have the GPLv3 license?
I doubt so - afaik, rar uses own propietary file format
Thanks for the answer.

The packages "unrar-free" in the Debian repository do have GPLvx
version, so I thought there should be an alternative to "libclamunrar6"
but with a proper license instead.
unrar-free is unrelated to clamav.  Clamav uses it's own unrar implementation
that in Debian we split off into the libclamunrar binary due to code usage
restrictions that make it unsuitable for Debian main.  Note that these
restrictions are not imposed by the clamav developers, but by the original
developers upon whose work the clamav implementation is based.

Someone would need to write code to make clamav work with a different unrar

Scott K
Thanks Scott for making this crystal clear!

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