Am 01.02.2018 um 14:35 schrieb Eric Broch:
I have user who has upgraded clamav to the most recent version (0.99.3) but is still getting the warning when doing 'freshclam' as below:

*how* did he upgrade

WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.99.1 Recommended version: 0.99.3

There are no other version of clamav on the computer that I know of. Is there a configuration setting somewhere that was missed perhaps?

which freshclam
freshclam --version

you even don't mention your operatign system, on Redhat "rpm -q --file /usr/bin/freshclam" or whatever the output of "which freshclam" is would tell you the package

which freshclam

freshclam --version
ClamAV 0.99.3/24275/Thu Feb  1 10:24:53 2018

rpm -q --file /usr/bin/freshclam

you have *for sure* a wild mix of different clamav versions most likely because distribution apackages mixed with self compiled and/or other repos and only half upgraded - don't do that
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