US-CERT alerts often contain a "consolidated rule set for malware associated 
with" the relevant activity.  See e.g.:

Yara rules are listed, so that they can be copied and pasted into a file to be 
saved in /var/lib/clamav in order for clamscan to use it.  Doing so results in 
the following:

LibClamAV Warning: load_oneyara[verify]: wide modifier [w] is not supported for 
regex subsigs
LibClamAV Warning: load_oneyara: clamav cannot support 1 input strings, 
skipping YARA.z_webshell
bookmarks-2017-02-27.json: YARA.APT_malware_1.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
bookmarks-2017-05-13.json: YARA.APT_malware_1.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
bookmarks-2018-02-19.json: YARA.APT_malware_1.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

Those bookmarks (Firefox exported stuff) are flagged because they contain 
"/icon.png".  That rule is authored by "DHS | NCCIC Code Analysis Team".

I guess US-CERT rules are not for end users like me, but I'd be curious if they 
end up (possibly modified) in some easy-to-download clamav database.

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