On Jul 3, 2018, at 11:38 AM, Noel Jones 
<njo...@megan.vbhcs.org<mailto:njo...@megan.vbhcs.org>> wrote:

Using Cloudflare changes the dynamics of updates.  I wonder if it
might be better if everyone pointed to db.clamav.net<http://db.clamav.net/> and 
all the
direct mirrors are dropped.  Let Cloudflare decide what is the
closest POP, that's kinda their job.

Regardless of where you are pointed, this is what is happening.  Effectively, 
everyone in the world is pointed at three mirrors.  Ours.

Cloudflare is caching the files once they are downloaded the first time, and 
you get them from cloudflare.  The first time someone requests a new file, each 
Cloudflare node fetches it from our server, then everyone else that requests 
that file, gets it from cloudflare.  It results in about 80GB to our servers 
every update... but once all the Cloudflare pops have the files, there are no 
more requests that hit our server for that file. (Unless I flush the cache or 

Joel Esler
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