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> On Jan 31, 2020, at 21:56, kaifeng zeng via clamav-users 
> <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I notice that clamscan takes about 35 seconds in the highlighted statement 
> below sometimes. That brings the total scan time for a file from 17 seconds 
> to 51 seconds. Does anyone know what exact clamscan is doing and how I can 
> make it load fast consistently? 
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Kevin 
> LibClamAV debug: daily.pdb loaded
> LibClamAV debug: Loading regex_list
> LibClamAV debug: daily.wdb loaded
> LibClamAV debug: cli_loadcrt: subject: 
> 4a532974c46ae5048824c6da8cfb8e163705b693
> LibClamAV debug: cli_loadcrt: public key: 
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