Arjen de Korte via clamav-users wrote:
Citeren Paul Kosinski via clamav-users <>:

However, applying clamscan to this file (which was slightly renamed by
my download script to be more readable) results in the following output:

clamscan --alert-exceeds-max=yes --max-scantime=999 --max-scansize=4090M --max-filesize=4090M --max-files=30000 --max-recursion=30 --pcre-match-limit=999999999 --pcre-max-filesize=999999999    firefox-68.6.1-esr-64.tar.bz2

Before writing this whole rant, you have not considered checking which of the options might have triggered this? You've reduced the --max-scantime from the default 120 seconds to under 1 second and still wonder why this breaks? Really?

That option seems to be missing from the man page entirely:

$ dpkg -l clamav
ii  clamav         0.102.1+dfsg-0+deb10u2          amd64 [...]
$ zgrep scantime /usr/share/man/man1/clamscan.1.gz

and does not specify units in the --help text:

$ clamscan --help
--max-scantime=#n Scan time longer than this will be skipped and assumed clean

Absent any documentation, I would reasonably assume this to be in seconds, not milliseconds.

I have no idea if you're wrong about this being the cause, but without diving into the source, Paul's use of that option looks entirely reasonable to me.



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