
You should be able to use `--with-systemdsystemunitdir=no` to make it so
that `make install` won't try to register clamd as a systemd service


On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 1:26 PM Paul Kosinski via clamav-users <> wrote:

> I finally built 0.102.2 a few days ago and was rather shocked that it was
> tightly integrated into systemd. In a point release, converting ClamAV into
> a mandatory server strikes me as weird, especially since there is no
> "--without-systemd" option.
> I am not philosophically opposed to systemd (its partial ordering of
> dependencies is actually quite elegant), but I have never used ClamAV in
> conjunction with systemd (although I might consider it in the future).
> Now for some details...
> The way I always have built ClamAV is to install each new version in /opt
> under its version number. This allows me to try out the new version without
> needing to shut down the running version. Then I switch to the new version
> almost atomically by changing one symlink (e.g., /opt/clamav ->
> /opt/clamav.0.102.2) and restarting clamd. So if the new version has some
> problem, I can switch back (also almost atomically).
> Luckily, my procedure was not totally wiped out by the systemd issue due
> to the fact that (for extra security) I never run "make install" as root. I
> always create the new ClamAV version directory in /opt owned by the build
> user and install as that user (followed by "chown -R 0.0" etc.). So the
> install failed without adding weird stuff to my systemd environment.
> I then worked around the problem by studying the "configure" options and
> found that there was an option "--with-systemdsystemunitdir". So I pointed
> that to a harmless new directory (/opt/clamav.0.102.2/systemd) and reran
> "configure", "make", "make check" and "make install", which then all
> worked, and showed me what the new systemd files contained.
> Thus I would strongly recommend adding a "--without-systemd" option to the
> new "configure". If I hadn't employed my workaround, "make install" (as
> root) would have added those 3 files to the standard systemd environment.
> This have totally broken the way I support multiple versions of ClamAV, as
> those files have *absolute* paths to the new version of ClamAV no matter
> where installed.
> P.S. I run freshclam via cron and my own "getfreshclam" wrapper. This
> allows me to keep older signature files around in case a new version has a
> serious problem. (It was also quite useful in investigating the multi-hour
> out-of-date problem with Cloudflare's BOS mirror.)
> Finally, note that simply using systemd and thus freshclam's builtin
> periodic update mechanism (instead of cron) wouldn't easily allow keeping
> previous signature files around as backups.
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