It is a security requirement that needs to be done. 
Thank you for this advice. I worked on your idea and it worked.  I got a go 
between and voila! The Clamscan worked beautifully. Thank you guys. 

Just some more questions:

1. How do I automate these scheduled scans? 
2. Is there a way to get alerts of scan reports, virus detected etc. especially 
via mail? 

Victor Miriti
ICT Security Operation Centre
VOIP 12066
Tel: 2854600 |  0711013066|
Co-op Trust Plaza, Lower Hill Rd

***Soli Deo Gloria
 Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever 
serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies; so that in all 
things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and 
dominion forever and ever.***
1st Peter 4:11

-----Original Message-----
From: clamav-users <> On Behalf Of G.W. 
Haywood via clamav-users
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 4:17 PM
To: ClamAV users ML <>
Cc: G.W. Haywood <>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] CONFIGURATION OF CLAMAV IN SOLARIS 11

ICT SECURITY CAUTION: This external mail may be risky. Unless you recognise the 
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Hi there,

On Wed, 30 Sep 2020, Victor Miriti [ICT Security] wrote:

> The challenge I have at the moment is that when I try to run the scan 
> I get a prompt saying that the following prompt : No supported 
> database files found in /var/opt/csw/clamav/db.
> Also note that my server environment is disconnected from the internet.
> Another question I have is how do I update my .cvd database while not 
> being able to access the internet?

A system which is not connected to the Internet might not need to be scanned by 
ClamAV at all, but there's little harm to be done (if it's done carefully) and 
perhaps something to be learned.  If it is _not_ done carefully, using ClamAV 
might pose a danger to the system.

It appears that you do not yet have a signature database.  This is not 
surprising if the box is not connected to the Internet - most users of ClamAV 
will be using boxes which have Internet access, because that's where most of 
the threats come from, and ClamAV and its documentation mostly, but not always, 
assume that's the case.  Normally if there are boxes which have no Internet 
access one would use a separate system as a sor of 'go-between' to download the 
database files, and make these files available from the go-between to boxes 
which are prevented from talking directly to the Internet.

This is usually called a local mirror, and is covered in the ClamAV 
documentation online here:

You won't be surprised to know that there's more than one way to do it. :)

It is not essential to use freshclam to do the downloads, you can even do it 
manually, but using freshclam it is easier to manage.

Why do you think you need to scan the box?




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