Hi all,

I spent my weekend crafting a tool to download & maintain CVD's and CDIFF's for 
use in a private mirror.

The tool is named "cvdupdate" and is available on:
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/cvdupdate/0.1.0/
- Github: https://github.com/micahsnyder/cvdupdate  **Disclaimer: This 
repository may be transferred to a new clamav org on Github in the nearish 

**This is only for admins that maintain a private mirror.  Please continue to 
use Freshclam for normal ClamAV installs to minimize bandwidth costs for the 
ClamAV project.
This new "cvdupdate" tool will download CVDs and CDIFFs.  Freshclam only 
downloads CDIFFs after the first CVD has been downloaded.

Requirements: python 3.6 or newer, and an internet connection with DNS enabled.

You can install it with `pip3 install -user cvdupdate`, or `python3 -m pip 
install -user cvdupdate`

The simplest use case:  install it and then run `cvd update`.
The CVDs and CDIFFs will be downloaded to `~/.cvdupdate/database`.
Run it as often as you need, in a cron job for example.
Please see the readme for more usage options/features.

In the future we may add an option to Freshclam to keep CDIFFs so you can use 
Freshclam for private mirror maintenance instead. But for now, this "cvdupdate" 
tool should work nicely.
Please ONLY use this tool to maintain private mirrors. DON'T use it for 
updating your regular clamav database.  Use Freshclam instead for that.

I really hope this helps.  Any feedback is welcome.  You should be able to 
create Issues on the github repo if you find any problems.

Best regards,

Micah Snyder
ClamAV Development
Cisco Systems, Inc.


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