On 4/6/2021 8:56 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 06.04.21 08:43, Eddie via clamav-users wrote:
A POP3 proxy program I have running on a Debian 10.8 system, uses clamscan to check incoming e-mails.  At some point in the very early morning (US West Coast time) it suddenly started taking a very long time to scan each mail,  So much that the controlling process would time out before clamscan finished.  Up to this point it was running fine.

Running a test from the command line, on a very simple 1-line mail took around 25 minutes:

root@CleanMail:~# date ; clamscan test.msg -v  --no-summary ; date
Mon 05 Apr 2021 11:59:10 AM PDT
Scanning /root/test.msg
/root/test.msg: OK
Mon 05 Apr 2021 12:24:06 PM PDT

Looking through the logs, I can't see anything happening in the period between the last good scan and the sloooooow ones.

Where should I be going next to track this down.

you should prefer clamdscan, that uses tunning clamd to scan, this way you
skip virus DB initialization at each scan.

Note that the memory question is important. clamd uses >1GB RAM on my
machine. you need at least 2GB of RAM to scan in reasonable time

Watching via "top" while it's scanning, I do see it's taking a chunk of memory, but it's not overly excessive.  swap space is basically unused.

I'm looking at moving over to clamdscan.



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