Hi there,

On Thu, 29 Jul 2021, Asenova, Elia via clamav-users wrote:

... deleting daily.cld fixed the problem.


... I'm building a docker image with clamav inside it ... when I
tried to run freshclam on two different pods after image deploy,
daily.cld was updated to the latest version only on one of them.

In the section in



"The official images on Docker Hub"

there are a couple of suggestions for using ClamAV with Docker.
Did you see those?

I'd have thought the simplest approach would be to have a local ClamAV
database mirror - maybe another Docker container - which could supply
the up-to-date databases to your other containers with no CDN bandwith
issues, and no need to update the container's ClamAV after startup.
It's certainly unreasonable to expect Sourcefire to have to pay for a
fifty megabyte download every time you start a Docker container.

And about the ReceiveTimeout this is what I have in freshclam.conf:

# Maximum time in seconds for each download operation. 0 means no timeout.
# Default: 0
#ReceiveTimeout 1800

So, it should have no timeout, right?


With regard to logging, have you checked your configurations for the
'LogVerbose' option?  I think Micah meant for you to set that to give
more information about what could potentially be a fault in ClamAV.

I never saw a reply to my question about your computer's clock.  Of
course I understand that there may be other issues, but it appears
that only six minutes separated the log of the failure of freshclam in
your second pod to update, and the timestamp of your mail message...




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