Citeren Paul Kosinski via clamav-users <>:

LTS sounds like a great idea!

Recently, the bandwidth hogging episodes have resulted in rapid changes to ClamAV versions, followed by EOL of versions that many people (not including me) were still using. So recently I have had to spend far more time on updating ClamAV than updating anything else I use. And since I can't count on Debian (or even update-happy OpenSUSE) keeping up with these (now rapid) changes, I have always built ClamAV from source, ever since I started using it 16+ years ago.

For openSUSE Leap, the latest version of ClamAV is usually available within days of a new release through or in openSUSE Tumbleweed (if you're using the rolling release version). Version 0.104.0 will also be available through that channel, as the conversion to cmake build is already done. If you're feeling adventurous, I have it available in my personal build directory in the openSUSE Build Service (OBS) (Tumbleweed only).

Thus, an LTS ClamAV which allowed me to build from source only a
couple of times per year would be much appreciated. And I hope that CMAKE building can be sorted out before the next Update Now! emergency.

(I don't see exactly how a LTS would have helped with the bandwidth issue, but I suppose it wouldn't have made it any more disruptive.)


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